Scotland’s history was altered by one man on his knees.
Let your strength, O Lord, sustain our weakness, that we being defended by the power of your grace, may be safely preserved against all the assaults of Satan, who continually goes about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour us. Increase our faith, O merciful Father, that we may not swerve at any time from your heavenly Word; but so deepen within us hope and love, with a careful keeping of all your commandments, that no hardness of heart, no hypocrisy, no lust of the eyes, no enticements of the world, may draw us away from your obedience. Amen.
It is a manifest sign, that such as are always negligent in prayer do understand nothing of perfect faith: for if the fire be without heat, or the burning lamp without light, then true faith may be without fervent prayer. John Knox
Grant, O heavenly Father, that we may spend this day wholly in your service, so that all our thoughts, words, and deeds may glorify you, our heavenly Father. And for as much as of your mere love and favor you have not only created us in your own image and likeness, but has also chosen us to be heirs with your dear Son, Jesus Christ, of that immortal kingdom which you prepared for us before the beginning of the world, we pray increase our faith and knowledge, and enlighten our hearts with your Holy Spirit, that we may walk in godliness and integrity of life. Amen.