Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Studying Proverbs on Wed. nights

Here is a few quotes from my study where I introduced the book of Proverbs.  

            In Greek mythology there were the sirens, the beautiful and irresistible creatures, which lived on the rocky islands in Odysseus’ tale.  Their beautiful songs would lure unsuspecting sailors unto the rocks and to mortal danger.   In a similar fashion, Proverbs tells us there are two voices that cry out for our attention -two voices that summons our allegiance.   In chapter One, we are told to listen to the voice of Lady Wisdom.   She cries out in the streets, in the public square, but very few listen to her voice.  She offers life.  Few listen, most ignore her, and some mock her. They turn from her warnings and embrace the way of folly, the way that leads to death.
            In chapter 9 of Proverbs we are introduced to the second voice, the voice of Madame Folly.  She too shouts in the middle of the streets, in the public square, and many are enticed by her promises.  Her way is the way of false fulfillment and fleeting pleasures.  Her way leads to destruction.  "The woman Folly is loud, she is undisciplined and without knowledge. .. calling to all those who pass by, .."Let all who are simple come in here," she says to those who lack judgment.  "Stolen water is sweet, food eaten in secret is delicious!"  But little do they know that the dead are there, that her guests are in the depths of the grave" (vs.13, 17-18).
            Like the Greek sirens, her voice entices its victims with false promises that can never deliver.   The stolen water is only sweet for a while; it leaves a bitter aftertaste and the food she offers turns into dust in the stomach. 
            Lady Wisdom, on the other hand, prepares a table, "Come, eat my food and drink my wine I have mixed.  Leave your simple ways and you will live, walk in the way of understanding" (9: 5).
            Wisdom offers real substance for the soul.  Who listens to Lady Wisdom?  Is she not ignored today?  Is she not mocked in the public square?   The voice of Madame Folly is heard everywhere. 
            Jesus often said, "Those who have an ear to hear, let them hear."   Listening often implies understanding in the Bible.  C.S. Lewis tells us the sure way to avoid the voice of wisdom,
"Avoid silence, avoid solitude, avoid any train of thought that leads off the beaten track.  Concentrate on money, sex, status, health and (above all) on your own grievances.  Keep the radio on.  Live in a crowd.  Use plenty of sedation.  If you must read books, select them very carefully.  But you'd be safer to stick to the papers.  You'll find the advertisements helpful; especially those with a sexy or snobbish appeal."