Thursday, March 18, 2010

Article on Postmodernism ala "Screwtape"

The guys at Thirdmill have published my article on Postmodernism in the Church, tongue-in-cheek style of Lewis's Screwtape Letters. I first read Screwtape in High School and was the beginning of a long appreciation for Lewis's writings and thought. He still helps me think.


amy jo said...

The Screwtape Letters is a challenging book for me to read. I have gotten half way through it and find myself so convicted I feel I cannot finish b/c I need to pray so much over what I've read so far!
Maybe I'll pick it up again and re-read what i have read and get through some I haven't yet read.
~Amy G.

Phillip said...

I love that book! I read your article when you first posted it a while back but when I went back to show it to someone else it was gone. I'm assuming Third Mill is what happened to it. Great article! Congrats!

Suzanne said...

Dad! I love the article. :)