Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The PCUSA Endorses Homosexuality Officially

The New York Times has reported that the mainline Presbyterians have officially voted to ordain openly homosexual men and women as pastors, elders and deacons. I saw this coming back in 2004, when I left the PCUSA after spending years debating and defending a biblical view of marriage and morality.

The NY Times stated:
The change approved on Tuesday does not mean that presbyteries must ordain gay candidates — only that they may. The wording leaves the decision open to local presbyteries, according to church officials. It says that governing bodies that consider candidates “shall be guided by Scripture and the confessions in applying standards to individual candidates.”

Anybody who knows how church polity works, understands that "may" really means "must" when this new change of law is established de facto as a new biblical interpretation. Those who fought for this change, understand it as a moral mandate, as wierd as it sounds.
The strange irony is that to be "guided by Scripture and the confessions", no longer means for them to see them as authoritative or binding. Allegiance to God's Word revealed in the Holy Scripture was lost long ago. When I realized this a number of years ago, I sought out the PCA. Thankfully, they received me and this lovely bunch of saints I serve, have my profound appreciation.

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