Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Music and the Brain

I just saw the movie, "The Music Never Stopped", which is based on a true story and comes from the same author of "The Awakenings", also made into a movie several years ago. The author is a neuroscientist who is doing research between the brain and music - all very facinating and beyond me. The movie shows the dramatic recovery a a young man who lost his memory due to a brain tumor. The human connection element between the father who seeks to delve into the son's world of music and radical 60's rock is a moving tribute of costly love and forgiveness. The fact that music can heal is clearly advocated in this film. That it is a vehical for emotions and for the thinking rational process, is just amazing. I still would rather listen to a Bach cantata, than the Grateful Dead! Then, again it depends on my mood.

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