Monday, October 3, 2011

The Life of God in the Soul of Man part 2 (paraphrase)

What Authentic Spirituality Is

So, certainly true spirituality is quite another thing, and those who know it will hold on to far different thoughts, and reject all shadows and false versions of it. They know by experience that true spirituality is a union of the soul with God, a real participation of the Divine nature, the very image of God drawn upon the soul, or in the apostle’s phrase, “it is Christ formed in us’ (Gal.4:19). Briefly, I know of no better way to describing authentic spirituality, than by calling it a Divine reality: and with this in mind, I will first deal with how it is real, and then how it is called Divine.

Its Permanency and Stability

I choose to call it a reality, first, because it’s permanency and stability. True spirituality is not a flash in the pan, or stroke of inspiration, even though it brings us to unknown heights and transports a man to extraordinary living.
There are those who are convicted about the condition of their souls, push themselves into a great zeal, but then fizzle out; they were on fire, but then they cool off; they sprouted up quickly, and quickly wither away, because there was no real root (Matt. 13:21). This maybe compared to the quick movements of the nervous system of an insect with its head cut off, which no matter how much it moves, will not be for long; but the motions of holy souls are constant and regular, proceeding from a permanent and living reality.

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