Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why Christianity Offers the Best Answer

The new challenge of Post-modern society is pluralism. Globalization is a reality in this new cultural shift. There are many religious options open for people today. The old challenge in the modern scientific world was the threat of secularization. This was the attempt to dismiss anything in the realm of faith or the supernatural as it relates to fields of knowledge and truth. As been noted by many philosophers, ideas have real consequences. Here are a few quotes to clear away the clutter of fuzzy thinking.

“A society in which any kind of nonsense is acceptable is not a free society. An agnostic pluralism has no defense against nonsense.”
- Bishop Lesslie Newbigin, Truth To Tell

"The worst moment for an atheist is when he is genuinely thankful, but has nobody to thank." - Dante Gabriel Rossetti

"To the Buddhist good and evil are relative and not absolute terms"
- Christmas Humphreys, Buddhism

"Atheism is a cruel, long-term business: I beleive I have gone through it to the end."
- Jean Paul Sarte, Words

"God is dead and nothing will be the same."
- Friedich Nietzsche, 19th century philosopher
The true test for Christian faith is the ability is has to transform individuals and society for the good. The proof of the pudding is in its eating.

"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
- Jesus, John 13:35

"If we would bring the Turks to Christianity, we must first be Christians."
"Christianity might be a good thing if anyone ever tried it."
- George Bernard Shaw

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