I've taken on the project of making some prayers of the Reformers more readible for the 21st century believer. These are meant not to be a substitute for your prayers, but primers for your own communion with God. We need not be giants to gain the insight these spiritual masters acquired by their extreme devotion, just good imitators. Follow them as they followed Christ.
For the Lord’s Day (Morning)
O heavenly Father that we may spend this day wholly in your service, so that all our thoughts, words, and deeds may glorify you, our heavenly Father. And for as much as of your mere love and favor you have not only created us in your own image and likeness, but has also chosen us to be heirs with your dear Son, Jesus Christ, of that immortal kingdom which you prepared for us before the beginning of the world, we pray increase our faith and knowledge, and enlighten our hearts with your Holy Spirit, that we may walk in godliness and integrity of life. Amen.
(John Knox, 1513-72)
For the Praying Church
Almighty God and Merciful Father, we do not present ourselves here before your majesty in our own merits or worthiness, but in Your manifold mercies according to which You have promised to hear our prayers, and grant our requests which we make in the name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who also commanded us to assemble together in His name, with full confidence that He will not only be among us, but also our Mediator and Advocate before You, that we may obtain all things which shall seem expedient to Your blessed will for our needs. Amen.
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