Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Abortion and Legal Confusion

A couple in Australia with three sons just aborted their twins, who happened to be boys, because they wanted a daughter. According to reports it is unlawful in Australia to select the sex of a baby, so they are going through the courts so they can use in vitro fertilization and implant an embryo that is definitely female.
In other words it is okay to destroy a life for just about any reason, but to conceive a life; it is best left to the natural course of things. Two things are clear. This couple is the product of a worldview that puts their view of children on the level of flavors at Baskin Robbins. Secondly, it shows how messed up the legal system is that does not know how to value life and protect it from the whims of cultural pressure or personal desires. Our laws are supposed to protect the weak from the tyranny of a despot as well as the tyranny of the masses. Is there a moral difference between the State sponsored (mandated) removal of unwanted groups (as in the Jews of Nazi Germany) and the freedom given by the State to let its citizens determine who are among the unwanted (the category of “jewishness” just gets substituted)? It is a question, worth pondering.

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